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  • Writer's pictureMr S. Jones

Headteacher's Weekly Update 15 - 21st December 2023

Dear Parents/Carers

I hope this letter finds you and your families well; a final update for you in 2023 as we break up for the Christmas holidays. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support.  We continue to take great strides as a school community, thanks, in no small part, to the way we work in partnership with our families and community.  I am grateful too for the tireless work of our staff, who always go the extra mile to provide an outstanding experience and opportunities both in and outside the classroom.  Our students too deserve a special mention for being such a terrific bunch, they never cease to inspire and energise me in all that they do. 

It has been a typically busy week in school with staff and students in a festive mood as the term comes to a close.  Celebration assemblies have taken place for each year group, recognising the many achievements of our wonderful students this term. 

A group of Key Stage 4 Economic students visited the Houses of Parliament on Monday; providing our students with a first-hand understanding of the democratic processes, governance, and the role of the government.  The students were immersed in the very heart of political decision-making.  Gaining insights into fiscal policies, budgetary processes and economic decision-making, all of which form part of the course. Students enjoyed learning about the House of Commons, the House of Lords, and their roles in shaping laws and policies along with learning about the rich history and architecture of the Parliament buildings. As Economics and History student Rebeca remarked  “It was like a History and Economics lesson rolled into one”.  

The Art and Music department teamed up to deliver an evening of festive cheer at the start of December in the form of 'The Illuminations', a showcase of artwork, from the upper school, projected onto the side of the school for the whole community to also enjoy.  Winter treats were on offer to parents and invited students, while the school choir enlivened the occasion with Christmas songs.  This has been followed by an art exhibition held at the 1B Window Gallery at the top of Coppermill Lane, from the start of this week until the 13th January.  Years 7 and 11 artwork will be proudly displayed, with special thanks to one of our Year 7 parents, Ms. Niemeyer, who enabled this to happen.

Sports wise, another busy week for our Kelmscott athletes, with the Year 8 boy Basketball team facing Lammas. It was very difficult as they had very tall, physical players compared to our athletes.  Despite being 9 points down we pulled back baskets making the final score 26 - 29 to Lammas. Winning both the last two quarters was just not quite enough. The team played brilliantly.  I am very proud of the STORM characteristics that they all demonstrated.

Our Year 10 Youth Health Champions have organised a poster competition; they would like students to create a poster about mental health and, specifically, what influences it.  The winner's poster will be put up on the Youth Health notice board.  Students have until after the holidays; the deadline is the 12th January 2024.  All entries can be handed into the Head of Year office to Ms Riaz. 

A group of Year 11 students hope to begin a school magazine.  Whilst we are yet to iron out all the details here, their first theme is ‘revolution’ and they are welcoming submissions of any form e.g. a piece of writing, artwork and such like.  Submissions can be handed in to Mr Yilmaz the Head of Year 11.

Please find details here links for the Holiday activities in Waltham Forest and also a Free Holiday Multisport Camp for 8-14 year olds at the Score Centre, Leyton that is taking place between the 2nd and 5th of January.  It is a free opportunity that may be of interest to our many sporty students.

A group of Year 10 students this week saw me to ask if I could include the weekly winner for rewards points from each year group as they felt that in giving recognition to more students, student motivation would increase yet further.  I thought this a commendable idea… so, well done to the following students for topping the reward point charts in their year group last week, (and, in bold, for the whole school) - keep up the good work;

  • Year 7 – Ilia Cain 7K – 20

  • Year 8 –Jago Jessop 8E – 26

  • Year 9 – Arushi Seesungkur 9S – 23

  • Year 10 – Ammara Sarwar 10M and Ethan Benalouache Lebrun 10S – 34

  • Year 11 – Juan Gonzalez Granada 11E and Dylan Chadwick Aryee 11E – 18

The following students are top of the charts for their year group (and, in bold, for the whole school) for the entire term, huge congratulations to the following students, exceptional work;

  • Year 7 – Ruxandra Handriuc 7S - 124

  • Year 8 – Liam Cumigad 8K - 105

  • Year 9 – Amelie Molloy 9L – 123

  • Year 10 – Sahil Attique 10L - 104

  • Year 11 – Maryam Harichane 11S – 100

I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas holiday whether you are celebrating or not.  I look forward to seeing students back on Tuesday 9th January, at the normal time.  Here’s to a happy and healthy New Year for one and all.

Mr Sam Jones 



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