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The Governing body of Kelmscott is made up of local people (parents, school staff and residents) who care deeply about the children here and the community in which we live and work. We feel very honoured to be governors of this school where we know that the staff do their utmost to help the students achieve their full potential and where students make the most of the opportunities they are given.


Kelmscott always has the interests of the whole child at heart and works hard to give them a breadth and range of subjects and experiences. Our job as governors is to help make strategic decisions about the school and its future, and we will always do this by focusing on the best interests of the students and the school.


This section of the website will enable you to understand the role and make-up of the Governing Body of the school, gain access to minutes of our meetings and encourage you to consider becoming a governor of our school. We are a friendly group and always keen to welcome new people!



Dr Susan Thomas - Chair of Governors

Type of Governor - Co-opted

Committee - 

Link Governor for - Careers, Eco & Sustainability


​​Susan is a parent governor and has two children at Kelmscott School. She's been a governor since 2023. Susan is a doctor by training and is currently Director of Google Health, where she has responsibility for bringing the best of Google to the NHS and other health systems. She has always worked in and around the public sector and is passionate about ensuring that children can get the very best from their local state schools. Being a part of the community that is Kelmscott School is, therefore, a real privilege.

Scarlet Harris - Vice-Chair of Governors

Type of Governor - Parent

Committee - Finance, Personnel & Premises

Link Governor for  - Safeguarding & Looked After Children, GDPR


Scarlet has lived in Walthamstow for nearly 20 years and has a daughter studying at Kelmscott school. Scarlet works for a trade union and has been a trustee of several charities including Maternity Action and the End Violence Against Women coalition. Scarlet joined the governing body because she is passionate about community education and wants to support Kelmscott in providing a great education for all children.

Alanna Molloy

Type of Governor - Parent

Committee - Finance, Personnel and Premises (Chair) + Pay

Link Governor for - Higher Attaining Students


Alanna is a parent governor who has 2 children who attend Kelmscott.

She leads Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust tobacco addiction services and has a passion to reduce health inequalities. Walthamstow has always been her home and Alanna wants to support Kelmscott to be a caring, inclusive, highly attaining school in the community that gives students a fantastic start to their secondary school careers and a lifelong love of learning.

Amarjit Myers

Type of Governor - Co-Opted

Committee - Learning

Link Governor for  - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, Co-Curricular


Amarjit lives locally in Walthamstow with children who recently attended Kelmscott. She is keen to ensure all children, whatever their background, have access to as many opportunities to learn and develop as possible, and are provided with the skills and confidence required to reach their potential. Amarjit works at Digital Science, a tech company that invests in and develops software tools for scientists and researchers. She loves hockey and joined her local team in her 40s but spends most of her time now volunteering or watching her kids play. Amarjit is a member of BAFTA

Brian Pomeroy

Type of Governor - Parent

Committee - Learning

Link Governor for  - Health & Safety, Website & Communications


Brian has lived in Walthamstow for 13 years and has a son at Kelmscott. Brian works in heath and social care with an operational background in delivering drug and alcohol services. Brian currently works as an internal auditor of a national charity where he supports quality improvements in governance and client safety. Brian is proud to support Kelmscott in providing the best learning experience for all its students in a safe and inclusive environment.


Brodie Cunningham

Type of Governor - Staff

Committee - Finance, Personnel & Premises




Hanan Al-Najjar

Type of Governor - Co-Opted

Committee - Finance, Personnel & Premises

Link Governor for  - Curriculum, Data & Assessment



Kimberly Hashi

Type of Governor - Co-Opted

Committee - Learning (Chair)

Link Governor for - SEND, Literacy


​Kimberly is a Co-opted Governor with a deep commitment to education and child welfare. Alongside her role in the education sector, she volunteers with Samaritans, providing vital emotional support to those facing difficult circumstances or in crisis. Passionate about ensuring all children have access to quality education and enrichment opportunities, she fully supports Kelmscott’s mission. She dedicates a week during the summer volunteering with CHOAS, a local children’s charity that offers free camping holidays to disadvantaged children, helping create joyful and transformative experiences for those who need them most.

Philip Naylor

Type of Governor - Co-Opted

Committee - 

Link Governor for  - Teaching & Learning


​Until he retired in 2016, Phil taught adults as a lecturer in English as a Second Language, in Further and Higher Education and was active in UCU, the lecturers' union. Since then, he has worked a few weeks a year as an exam invigilator at Kelmscott, which is very near where he has lived for the past 13 years, getting to know and like the school and its ethos. Previously a parent governor in Tottenham while his son was growing up, and a member of Haringey Council's Education Scrutiny Committee. As well as being a co-opted governor at Kelmscott, he is also a trustee of the Markfield Centre, a local charity that provides services and support for children and adults with learning disabilities, their families and carers. 

Thomas Burnside

Type of Governor - Parent

Committee - 

Link Governor for  - Behaviour & Attendance, Character Development


Tom has raised his family in Walthamstow, and his two sons who joined Kelmscott from a local primary. Tom has around 20 years’ teaching experience in a wide variety of educational settings in the maintained, independent, and international sectors, and is currently Deputy Head Pastoral at an independent school in Essex. Kelmscott School is at the heart of the local community and Tom believes passionately in the school's vision and its aim to ensure that every student can reach their full potential and truly flourish in a fast-changing, dynamic world.


Harry Bradwell

Type of Governor - Co-Opted

Committee - 

Link Governor for  - 


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