Kelmscott School is an inclusive community where we can offer a range of specialist support for students with special educational needs as a result of a learning difficulty or disability. Students come to school with a variety of needs and each student has a right to have those needs recognised and met. By recognising those needs and differentiating our resources and practice we aim to access the curriculum for all our students. We recognise some students may have special educational needs at some time in their school career and that provision may change and develop over time.
We regard the students' self-esteem to be of vital importance to their learning and intend that students should not feel stigmatised by their needs. Teachers aim to ensure that all students have the chance to succeed, whatever their individual needs and the potential barriers to their learning may be.
Our goal is to encourage and nurture the highest achievement possible from every student. We aim to celebrate their successes and foster their development as independent learners and responsible citizens in partnership with families and the wider community.
We are aware of the need for parental involvement in the support of our students and seek to fully involve parents/carers in the SEN process, wherever possible
All members of staff, in conjunction with the authorities, (Governing Body and Local Authority) have a responsibility to ensure that every student has an equal opportunity to attain their maximum potential in all aspects of the curriculum which incorporates personalised provision.
This SEND Information Report outlines information regarding the ways in which we provide support for all students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities SEND
The information required to be included in this SEND Information Report is stated in The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2015 SCHEDULE 1. This can be found at:
The information report is divided into three columns: Regulations as laid down by the government, possible questions from parents/carers, school response to the regulations and questions